Importance to learn and implement the knowledge of "work in a socially diverse environment."
- Employees working in the tourism industry should have the sense of cultural awareness as the culture of the people is different. Different culture have different prospective. In hospitality industry provide the service to the people. Customer from different culture may react on different situation with is very important key to the business. Unless the good care of that matter business may loose its goodwill and may represent the poor functionality.
- There are many cultural influences which need to be considered when dealing with them. Four most important influence is given below:
- Different cultures may use different languages.
- They might have different religions.
- They may eat different foods
- Different cultures may have different attitudes towards sex
- Change in tourism and hospitality is the technology change. For example in past decades hospitality industry usually used the hand written documents, now they using computer, typewriter, phone, fax. They also are using the modern technology in kitchen.
- Firstly cultural understanding and sensitivity in responding to different types of customers.
ability to identify and respond to the cultural context other workplace.
ability to ap0ply knowledge of different cultures and cultural characteristics
appropriately to communication with colleagues and customers.
- There might be different stereotyping which may offend customer. For instance, guessing all Australian love beaches, beer and barbecues. And they all say G’day. , all elderly people are conservative, all accountants are boring, all Japanese people prefer baths to showers. All Americans talk loudly, all British people drink tea, all Jewish don’t eat pork, all aboriginal people live in the bush.
- Multiculturalism has the great impact on tourism and Hospitality industry as they come from different countries and they may speak different language, eat different food, has different aspect of religion , different times to celebrate different holidays, ware dress differently.
- The full form of EEO is Equal Employment Opportunity. Which simply represent the there should not be any type of barriers between male, female and geographical within the country. Even the disable if they have the talent they should get the job they deserve.
- First place to go in Australia is the Opera house, second place is Harbour Bridge, third one is Blue Mountain, forth one is Sydney sky tower and last one is Darling harbour.
- As a International guest Chinese people may come to a restaurant and the waiter may think that they are rude. But the way to thank in china is different that the other countries. They unobtrusively are tapping the table with their fingers to thank people. To overcome the situation as a hospitality industry employee they should have the basis about the other culture and know how they behave. This could be done by many different ways. Talking the different cultural people is one of them.
- A hotel may conduct a session in training period. This could introduce to the employee how the other culture behaves. And they will get the inspiration on the job. Hotel may announce reward on the service of international guest.
the other hand employee should have the knowledge of international food as they
might need to serve to the guest. If they does not have any idea how the foods
taste , they cant recommend to the